
Breast Implants Without Scars

Did you know that there are special surgical procedures or post procedure techniques which  result in breast implants without scars or blemishes?  Before having a breast augmentation operation , a major concern is scarring. In fact, most people who undergo a breast implant procedures are left with scars. But now, as plastic surgery techniques and technology advances, the breast augmentation procedure can be done without any scarring or the scars can be removed post procedure.  Breast Augmentation Options Breast implants are most commonly placed in the breast one of two ways, either through an incision that borders the areola or through an incision under the breast. Both of these techniques leave scaring which can be visible. The areola incision is far less noticeable because this part of the breast is covered and the scar is camouflaged as apart of the areola, however, the procedure may inhibit breast milk production. An incision made under the breast can be visible when

Popular Celebrities With Plastic Surgery

Sometimes we turn on the TV and marvel at how some famous actors and actresses seem to stay young forever. But for a handful of them, if they don’t have the immortal genetics of Keanu Reeves, there’s a good chance that the you’re being deceived by their glitz and glamor because they’ve likely undergone at least one plastic surgery operation. Of course they want to stay young forever and undergo the procedures to enhance their appearance. These celebrities want you to believe they’re naturally beautiful and usually hide their surgeries, but we will pull back the curtain and reveal a few celebrities who have had their appearance modified… a few of these may be pretty obvious. Cher There’s no doubt you know Cher, a famous hollywood singer who was at the top of the charts in the 60’s and 70’s. Although she is 70 years old, she still looks like she is 40-50 years old. Her charming appearance isn’t completely natural, as you may have guessed. Her timeless appearance can be

The Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Are you considering having rhinoplasty surgery ? There are lots of reasons why you might want to have this type of surgery done and in this quick article, we will inform you about the benefits of rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery which is also referred to as a “nose job.” Rhinoplasty involves reducing or increasing the size of the nose, changing the shape of the nostrils, or adjusting the tip of the nose. Plastic surgery can change the appearance; some people might be afraid of its disadvantages but in most cases, it’s a very low risk surgery and the pro’s can outweigh the cons. The benefits of rhinoplasty are abundant. Let’s talk about those: Improve Sleep Lots of people who have trouble sleeping can not sleep properly because air does not pass through their nostrils normally. This problem comes with many health issues, such as, for example, snoring which is a symptom of OSA. Snoring can be caused by bloated tissues located at